Eastern trips available for sign-up

See Ski Trips section to sign up for Smugglers’ Notch, Killington, Sugarbush, Mount Snow, Gore.

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Race Training is back!

5pm-8pm Fridays in June (June 4, 11, 18, 25) at Millbrook Vineyards, Wing Rd, Millbrook, NY. Bring your own chair, blanket, snacks. Must purchase wine there if you want to drink (no outside alcohol). Food trucks will be available.… too short for excerpt, but Read More anyway »

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Summer Picnic Meeting

Sunday June 9, 2024 Rain or Shine – under Pavilion at American LegionLearn about Summer Activities, sign up for summer/fall/winter trips.RSVP by June 5!

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2022 HVSC Western Ski Trips

Next winter’s fly-away ski trips will be to EPIC Pass resorts Crested Butte, CO (Jan 29 – Feb 5) and Whistler/Blackcomb, BC (Feb 26 – Mar 5). Preliminary details can be found under “Ski Trips” tab. Five-day lift passes are included as part of each package. However, an EPIC Pass option may offer a better deal if you plan to ski/board multiple EPIC resorts, both Western & Eastern, during the season. See discussion under “Ski Trips” tab and contact Jim Gahn for details.

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Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome

I ignited tinder and firewood in my wood stove just to take the chill off; it was 39F this morning, and that trend will continue heading towards winter, along with my preparations for the ski season. A few of you will recognize the slogan above, one that has carried many through challenging times. The ski resorts, after months of untold meetings, conference calls, and deliberations, are gearing up for the ski season with ‘new’ operating guidelines and expressed with great enthusiasm and a positive outlook. Through our love of outdoor adventures and desire to share with each other the exhilaration of skiing and snowboarding, we will also adapt to new challenges that each day brings. As snow sports enthusiasts, part […]

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Come Ski With Us and Never Ski Alone!

Each Wednesday and a number of Sundays we try to schedule a day trip to one of the ski areas in the greater Hudson Valley fop the sole purpose of skiing with friends.… manually done, so Read More »

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Fitness Camp

 Early last winter my grandson decided to enlist in the Navy, with a delayed active duty date being shortly after his high school graduation. At 6’4” he has the speed of a greyhound, but the agility of a puppy! During the period between his signing up and reporting for boot camp, we, the many veterans of the family, inundated him with tips and tales that would convince him to get in physical shape prior to report­ing for boot camp. Upon graduating from boot camp, he called us expressing his surprise regarding how physically de­manding boot camp was! Duuhhh! We tried to tell you… Skiing is certainly not military boot camp. However, consider the constant pres­sures and twisting on our ankles, […]

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A Trendy Performance

I recently bought a new pickup truck that replaces a similar one that was 7 years old. Actually, the new truck is the same make and model with some performance upgrades – mostly technology advancements providing better fuel efficiency and safety enhancements, and touch-screen tools to make driving more entertaining. Of course, I did the obligatory test drive to determine if the truck performs to my needs, and that it ‘fits’ me! View Post It reminds me that we are approaching the season when we consider upgrading our ski equipment, boots, ski wear, etc. Making these selections can, and probably should, involve evaluating technical and performance changes that hopefully will improve our skiing. We know that ski companies, like auto […]

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