- Ski Trip Survey
We’ve extended the Trip Survey deadline. Tell us about your favorite ski trip destinations. Survey is on the Members-Only page (use password on back of your membership card). Please respond by February 16.
Upcoming Events
Ski – Mont Tremblant, Quebec
February 9 - February 14Race Training – Cafe Maya
February 21 @ 5:30 pm at Cafe MayaSki – Holiday Mountain
February 23 at Holiday MountainSki – Whiteface, NY
February 24 - February 28Race Training – Shadows on the Hudson
February 28 @ 5:30 pm at Shadows on the Hudson
Our name says Ski Club, but we are year-round activities and adult social club based in the Mid-Hudson Valley of New York. Throughout our 85+ years, HVSC has offered ski trips to top resorts throughout the U.S., Europe and Canada, bike trips, scenic hikes, kayaking, sailing, cultural events, rafting, wine tasting parties and happy hours (which we have nicknamed “Race Training”).

Our events allow non-members to meet/participate with members at venues around the local area offering a way to meet new people and develop new friendships, no matter what your age or interests. Our club has approximately 150 members – a good mix of singles and couples with common interests.
The Club offers free ski instruction for beginner and intermediate skiers up to parallel skiing. This free instruction is offered on day trips to local ski areas and on multi-day trips to Vermont and Upstate New York.

HVSC meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM at the American Legion, 55 Overlook Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603. Click to view map and see note.
Hudson Valley Ski Club, P.O. Box 2704, Poughkeespie NY 12603 is a 501(c) organization.